Wednesday, August 19, 2009


Maybe the loch ness monster is real. I never told you, but Nessie is one of my favorite would-be, may-be myths. I’ve never set foot in Scotland, and I have more Haitian blood in me than anything. Freckles have never really been in the cards for me.

But if it’s real, I love this ancient monster, this asexual loner, who is both elusive and captivating, and has managed to evade every crazed medicine man and money hungry hunter. And why can’t it be real? Scientists discover new species of fish, of bugs and birds, and even rediscover once-declared-extinct species all the time! (All the time- a relative and useful phrase.)

If it’s not real, what a beautiful hoax! So innocent! So thorough that even the Scottish government has ordered that this apparition not be harmed! The giddy excitement of grown men, respected and accomplished in their professions, when face-to-face with the suggestion that this goose chase could indeed be fruitful!

I told you this, finally, and you told me about the plesiosaurus bath toy you had as a child and I caught you smiling patronizingly to me all night. But I will hold this thought and keep it, and strive to never lose wonderment at all the possibilities in this world.

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