Friday, February 5, 2010


everyon's always planning ahead, but life never turns out the way you think. like when my aunt bought baby blothes for me before my grand entrance to this world. i surprised them all by being a boy, but my aunt was so upset that i spent the first month of my bald life being called called "the prettiest little girl" by strangers in supermarkets, who looked at my easter-colored dresses and made the assumptions any well-meaning observer would make.
grandma started knitting mittens for me in July. by septemeber, we had moved to florida.
my mother kept her old saxophone from high school in hopes that her child would appreciate it one day. since i inherited neither the talent nor the desire, she finally pawned it shortly after my 19th birthday. just in case my mother thought she could still hold onto any kind of hope, in a cruel trick of the universe, i destroyed any chances of having siblings while in utero. sorry mom. maybe i was planning ahead.

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