Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Kate looked through her purse, scrambling. Of all the days! she thought. I still have to get to the preschool and get to work on time! The previous night's rain still hung faintly in the air, the ground still wet under the backyard trees. It did not help her mood. "Marissa!"
A tiny head of dark brown curls bounded down the stairwell. "Mommy, I can't find Mr. Boots! He loves me! I miss him!"
I wish a missing stuffed dog was my biggest concern. Kate sighed. "I'll help you find Mr. Boots. I can't find my makeup bag, sweetie. Do you know where that is?"
Marissa paused for a moment, appeared to be making up her mind. She pointed to the wastebasket in the laundry room.
"In... in here?" Kate pulled a pink and brown bag from the trash can. Unzipping it quickly, feeling the blood rush to her face, she found everything inside. "Marissa! This is MOMMY'S BAG!"
Marissa stood in the middle of the floor, her lip quivering.
Kate took a breath. "Marissa, why did you throw my bag away?"
"I don't want to you to have it mommy. It makes you sad."
"It makes me sad?"
"You're pretty mommy."
Kate thought to all the times she sat in front of her makeup mirror, layering foundation, power, blush, lipstick, eyeliner, eyeshadow... and sighing. She thought of how often she absentmindedly turned to Marissa and made comments. "Wait till you're a teenager honey, you'll find out then." Murmuring about her blotchy cheeks and perceived thinning eyebrows. She looked at her daughter. Perfect.
"You're pretty too Marissa." Kate hugged her, stood, and threw the bag back in the trash. "Let's go find Mr. Boots."

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