Thursday, December 4, 2008


i was nervous to take him to my mother's 60th birthday party. two thousand miles puts damper on regular visits home. it's not that i was worried about her. my mother loved everyone with a fanatical loyalty.
he was a different story. embarrassingly wealthy, he had become another doctor in a long line of prestigious family members. it was difficult even now, to think about that first visit to his parents' home. when i walked in the door, i didn't take off my shoes; didn't think of it- my mother had always welcomed people into the home quickly come in! come in! and she specifically bought carpet that wouldn't show dirt and stains. the visit went downhill from there.
and here we were, my brilliant and beautiful doctor, ready and willing to meet my mother, two-time high school junior who earned her GED at twenty-two years old.
we parked far down the street; it was already full of cars and our front yard looked like we should have salesmen showing us great deals on used vehicles.

through the fanfare and cheap party balloons, he said to me that he was envious of my childhood. his parents never had 5 people they could call true friends. "i would give my whole education to have love in my life that she does."
i hugged him and looked towards my mother, who was beaming at a new "welcome" sign she had recieved. "yes. it is rather decadent isn't it?"

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