Tuesday, March 30, 2010


today's list included fresh fruit shopping at kroger with my own basket. it makes me feel freer and more aware, and environmentally conscious. while in the store i will make the same joke twice to different people about my pale legs and the newly discovered springtime sun. the conversation will begin as i'm perusing the fruits. the toothy-but-boyishly-handsome stock boy will ask me if i need help. i will laugh say something about always needing help, but then i'll comment on the weather and out of politeness he'll reply. then my charming self-deprecation will take over and maybe he'll wish we could go on talking, but then i'll find exactly the right apple i was looking for. smiling and tossing my head, i'll walk away and i won't look back to see if his eyes follow me, even though it will be hard.
on the way home i'll rent a movie. comedy in hand, i'll answer fake phone call on my way up to the register. i'll chat away about how it was such a hard decision and Oh! you wanted to watch a horror movie tonight? well, darling, let me just change this silly thing out for something we'll both enjoy. after hanging up, i'll smile apologetically at the cashier. i'll be just a minute, so sorry!
driving out of the parking lot of course i'll let the gentleman beside me go first! i haven't a care in the world! i am such a free, happy spirit!
i like to do charming and ordinary things to make it seem like i don't go home at night alone.

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